A selfie of Yuval in a bus stop

Hi there!
My name is Yuval Maron, and I'm an enthusiastic Fullstack/Backend developer, experienced with many technologies.
I'm 23, and have been programming professionally for about 4 years now.
I've worked with both Angular and React (with the pages model and the newer app router model), mainly using Next. On the backend I've used NodeJS almost exclusively utilizing TypeScript, using a variety of databases - MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, etc.
I have experience deploying to AWS and Microsoft's Azure, though most recently I've worked with Google's "Cloud services".
Familiar with Docker and K8s.

I'd started learning how to code at the age of 10, following a hacker movie, and although it wasn't anything like I imagined I simply fell in love with it.
The first language I learned was C#, and later Python.
When I finished high-school I started working with a company based in the U.S making video games - I was doing rendering optimization using C++.
After that, I'd briefly worked at Yes, and then started doing fullstack work in Nahariyya, which is when I learned JS and fell in love with the language.

In my free time I like to program passion projects (check out my Brainfuck implementation) and contributing to open-source projects (check out the best open-source project, is-even)
Sometimes I climb, sometimes I play video games, I love reading and I just cannot get enough of learning - anything at all
I'm usually home with my snake and my cat, or hanging out with my friends (probably eating something new)